
Keynote speakers

Frank Jessen

Prof. Frank Jessen

University of Cologne

Speaker: Stage 2 of Alzheimer's disease: Evidence and relevance

Panelist: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

charlotte teunissen

Prof. Charlotte Teunissen

Amsterdam University of Medical Centres

Speaker: Body fluid biomarkers in the era of treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Panelist: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

Gil Rabinovici

Dr. Gil Rabinovici

University of California

Speaker: Lecanemab in clinical practice: Lessons from the U.S. experience

Panelist: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

Blog_Andrea Papassotiropoulos

Prof. Andreas Papassotiropoulos

University of Basel

Chair: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

anke post

Dr. Anke Post

AC Immune

Panelist: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

Tetjana Meyer-Heim 2

Dr. Tatjana Meyer-Heim

Stadtspital Waid, Swiss Memory Clinic, representative

Panelist: New horizons in Alzheimer's therapy - opportunities and challenges

marc aurel busche 2

Prof. Marc Aurel Busche

University of Basel and Universitäre Altersmedizin FELIX PLATTER

Speaker: Early cellular and circuit-level vulnerabilities in Alzheimer’s disease

Scientific Committee: Gilles Allali

Prof. Gilles Allali

Leenaards Memory Center, CHUV

Chair: Underlying mechanism of dementia

johannes gräf

Prof. Johannes Gräff


Speaker: Memory traces on the chromatin

tomas ryan

Dr. Tomas Ryan

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Speaker: Forgetting as a form of learning

Scientific Committee: Katharina Henke

Prof. Katharina Henke

University of Bern

Speaker: Unconscious episodic memory despite severe memory impairment?

Scientific Committee: Lucie Brechet

Dr. Lucie Bréchet

University of Geneva

Chair: Memory traces

Parallel sessions

Dr. Alessandro Blasimme

ETH Zurich

Speaker: Public health perspectives of dementia

Prof. Mauricio Avendano

University of Lausanne

Speaker: Public policy, cognitive health and dementia: Insights from natural experiments

Prof. Emiliano Albanese

WHO Collaborating Center, University of Geneva and Università della Svizzera italiana

Chair: Public health perspectives of dementia

Prof. Steffen Heinrich

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

Speaker: Requirements for implementing physical activation approaches for people with dementia in care homes to maintain their everyday abilities

Dr. Christina Zweifel


Speaker: Care aspects of dementia

Prof. Stefan Klöppel

University of Bern

Chair: Care aspects of dementia

Prof. Philipp Homan

Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich

Speaker: Capturing cognitive deficits through language analysis

Dr. Rasita Vinay

University of Zurich

Speaker: AI-based voice assistants for early dementia

Prof. Michael Krauthammer

University of Zurich

Chair: AI and data analytics in dementia

Dr. Ansgar Felbecker

Inselspital Bern, Praxis St. Gallen

Speaker: Blood-based biomarkers - Session organized by the Swiss Memory Clinics

Prof. Paolo Arosio

ETH Zurich

Speaker: Monitoring neurodegeneration through brain-derived extracellular vesicles in biofluids

Prof. Julius Popp

University of Zurich

Chair: Blood-based biomarkers - Session organized by the Swiss Memory Clinics

Workshop sessions

Prof. Marina Boccardi

University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland

Speaker: Producing useful evidence – Translation methodology for implementation

Dr. Kevin Richetin

Leenaards Memory Center and Center of Psychiatric Neurosciences, CHUV

Speaker: Success factors for interdisciplinary collaboration in dementia research

Dr. Kelly Ormond

ETH-Zurich and Prof. at Stanford School of Medicine

Speaker: Developing patient centered and ethical dementia research

Dr. Tracy Laabs

Wyss Center

Speaker: Translational science: From a idea to a startup